
Welcome to a random website I made strictly so my streaming sites stop pestering me. I might as well make something out of it however. So I'll be working on this from time to time.

Catch me on twitch or Facebook

I would love to see and talk to you all in my streams. Truly I just appreciate any sort of support. Even if it is just hanging in the chat for a bit.
Come say hey at either

social Media?

I'm still pretty new to this all and am working on a lot for you all. So far I have very recently made an IG page. You can check it out here!
I also have a discord page up. It isn't much yet but it is in progress of being built. Still feel free to join here!

Pokémon Trainer Phantom

In most of my streams, you'll see me playing Pokémon. More notably, fan made games. But I am open not only to suggestions but with enough people, I may run some tournaments for sword and shield or the new releases. So again. Please come on by and chat with me!

Here's to the hope that the Phandom can come up strong!

© Untitled. All rights reserved.

( Made with Carrd )